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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  June 23, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT

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>>vicki: millions are expected to celebrate. many traveling to san to cisco for a weekend of fun. one couple holed as why they drove from l.a.. >> i love this event. fog is a great way to so that we are proud of ourselves. we are here and local.
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we are never with the lead. i decided, i'm going to travel all the way to san francisco to feel free and feel loved, the part of something. >> tomorrow, the pride raises the likelihood team of local quality. it will begin at 10:30 a.m.. dozens of parents in activist to to the street in oakland rallied at for google plaza demanded of us will remain open. they marched to lake view elementary school in. instead it is happening there. they are demanding quality education. many in the crowd want the oakland superintended to resign. >> we want not just tony smith and to reopen these five schools or resign, we want the board there are spending more in tune with 2 million to transition these families.
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the public needs to know that. we're spending on all 3 million create it does not make set. >>vicki: apparent in some disestablish stiffly summers or program earlier this week. degree film focuses on social justice, arts and art. little of the school district says, scared tullahoma has forced his hand. on a clean and who have a house blue angels and back in 1976 if it is now living with his mother in a area and i'll leave on a trip- ups. he was released from. an appeals court ruled that his original folded as 2021 was unclear. he, his brother and another man were in their 20s when they ambushed the bus just outside of fresno. the men were convinced harry of the students live in a rock quarry free of 27 victims as aids on arms for when the kidnappers to closely for they could make a ransom demands. the antioch man was shot and killed his legs for france
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roomy will spend 50 years behind bars. the crime happened last year when he walked into the victim's home and defend the man down while watching tv. prosecutors say the two men had gotten into a fight of months earlier when he quits of the escrow for a year the defense argued that the killing was in self-defense. former kansas state football coach gerry said as he is on suicide watch inside of a pennsylvania jail. a jury found him guilty of sex lives moving employees over 50 years. as april williams before some of the blood is then the rest of the light behind bars. >> jerry sandusky ballclub in a pennsylvania jail on saturday. his wife arrived at the center county jail saturday of if but left after 10 minutes. that was less than 24 hours after a jury found him guilty of sexually abusing boys. one juror spoke about a high-profile case on the today show. >> i was not rattled by the emotions. i think that we were focused
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on the fact in determining credibility of. >> public defender in the reading of the verdict has a lot of his face, if there was no real emotion. >>jeff: his attorney shot down an observation. >> one of those at him when the verdict, i could see tears fast running down his eyes curious >> like physics >> police to come to feel slightly after the verdict. his attorneys say they plan to appeal. the guilty verdicts set of tears outside of the court house. pennsylvania attorney general and the kelly said to learn from this trial. >> we have to continue to focus on child sex abuse and to shine a bright light in those dark places. places that definitely exists in our society. >> the mother of one of the
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defense says, nobody wins. we have all lost. >> temperatures around the area are on the cool side. we have a weather system comfort and brought clouds and a little bit of rain into the no. they've. behind assistants ever does or does in the '60s in los 70's the afternoon. warm spot was the fairfield as a i will let. bought by whirlpool ceo mary alice and have a long list of things that they want provided. the working-class a residence once they will jobs and affordable housing among other things. they say they hope to tie in fizzling to sit down and listen to their concerns while be sensitive to the equals of white. coming up, a former school principal behind bars. the astonishing crime spree
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police say he committed within 30 minutes. a lot of big events in the bay area this weekend. we will show you the trough the test box you will want to avoid. inmates in georgia are being rewarded for breaking out of jail. we will tell you what. cuff look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy
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u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible.
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>>vicki: no bail for a school principal accused of killing spree. he was fired for her to the crack cocaine. quarter police say a few stabs the people to death in hurt to others and a home for the hearing-impaired. he is also suspected of attacking to people, tell and trying to run some people down the read the entire rampage happened within 30 minutes on friday. >> he told his mother, test killed 10 from dealers at a hotel coffee was obviously a troubled person. >>vicki: the people were
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hurt in two people killed. investigators believe the former principal was high on drugs and possibly alcohol. a new study says the u.s. has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. but a generation is keeping divorce lawyers in business? science is a genetically modified a dangerous virus to hear morning. now at giving the information on how they're seeking that information out a terrorist hands.
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>>vicki: some sizeable answer from the bay area will make for heavy traffic. george rask shows us the hot spots to avoid. >> a number of events this week and around the bay syria. in san francisco it is likely to reduce traffic impact. one of the biggest is drying major crowds. cried weekend events in this desolate the parade on sunday which will be of long market street. it starts at 10:30 a.m.. it is definitely an area to avoid if you need to get around the city. try using the embarcadero or use 19th avenue and. cavallo he could legally the congested there. if you are getting to the parade, bart is running extra service. cried we get have allowed arts as a writer set records. in the north bay rear when to be looking at big events at the request of sonoma, it is this a marc klaas with a 353 of the nascar race always draws big crowds of
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the north bay. plan on a wine country excursions, for fear for extra heavy traffic. a lot of traffic will be coming from the sacramento lee did, from the area northeast of the place life. remember, as we talked about, to get to the events in sentences, bart is a great oxen. >>vicki: a sunny day around the bay area. this is a live from san francisco earlier today. much improved from yesterday's fall into a light rain. >>brian: it is looking good for tomorrow. clouds early on. as with all morning, the sunshine will be out ears.
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>>brian: this system stays in place the next few days. sunday-tuesday before it finally the cards to the east. in that time, temperatures will remain below average for the bay. as far as the fog goes for tomorrow morning, we will have it early on. 7:00 a.m. in the northeast and around the bay with fog and low cloudiness. it is forecasting for it quickly. by 9:00 a.m. it is out of year. you will see some of the crowded is clearing at the coast. it looks pretty nice. it is gone to be sunny and breezy with winds 25-25 m.p.h. as we get to the afternoon. temperatures the load as mid-70s to the south bay. the warmest sleazes are just in the mid-70s. it is about 10 degrees below average. 60s by the bay. san francisco in the low
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sixties, seventies for petaluma and nevada. here is a look at the 7 day around the bay. cooler for monday. tuesday will be war or in some places and then back in cds inland highs wednesday and thursday's. really been in a road race fight is in court for another incident on the road. he was beaten in los angeles in late may. this video is posted on the two earlier this month. the man on the crown was in court friday for a drug driving hit and run case. he hit a video, fled the scene and assaulted a witness. he will be in court again for the hit and run next month. the 10 men have been arrested for the freeway beating. brady added year jail cell has its benefits. that is what caught inmates are being challenged to do at the fulton county jail. they hope will help them identify a problem with cellblocks. >> he knew how to beat the
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box and get out of yourself? >> yes. >> how often does that happen? >> every day. >> it is a practical test with inmates themselves. >> busting out of a cell might be a bad thing for inmates but in some circumstances it might earn a reward. sense of the locks and most of the jail are not enough to maze for the inmates will stay in jail. >> they do not serve the purpose anymore. >> in one cell block fee is testing a lot changed and issuing a lot talents. >> any in me they can defeat these logs will get a measure of a free, siri what. >> he plans to identify experienced lot of leaders in a dove into one block with a sophisticated new blocs are getting installed for testing. this inmate is an for marijuana and cocaine charges. >> in my book i am not guilty. >> he needs to have locks on his self five times.
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this in a was in for marijuana and terroristic attacks. >> legal blocks all the time. them of the reward will likely be ample commissary for a snack foods and hygiene, up to $20 worth. >> that will dialogue on our, serious counts. >> it is a great investment in the county avoid the mistake. >>vicki: critics say the fault the locks put in these at risk. the commissioner says the locks issue that has been blown out of abortion. a new study says that the u.s. has the highest divorce rate in the world hall co. newmont local law all moral obligation local team lost 20 years. in 1990, fueled in one incentive awards look 50 years of appearing in today's a nine figure as a man in full. the study identified several factors that can explain the
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rise in rates. >> with a rapid acceleration in premed cohabitation in the 1970's and 80's. we know that masked gunmen is unlikely to end in divorce. >>vicki: research as they would many living on after retirement, more people a question in if they really meant to stand down live with the best bass. scientists working with the bird flew in the labs have stumbled on to some potentially dangerous landing. as of now, the deadly virus cannot be transmitted through the researchers haven't figured out how to genetically altered, making it is airborne. two separate studies -- had to be delayed because of the fear that terrorists would use the information. scientists say of the revolt and also be used to help the
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giants will have to go for a sweep of the openings on sunday. today, if you teams battled a back the giants defeated the oakland a's 9-8. the entire game lasted 4 hours 15 minutes. >>stanley: coming up, have you ever wondered why there are so many private cars on market street and its transit only areas? i will be asking that question in the next edition of people behaving badly. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [ transforming sounds ] [ male announcer ] transformers. the ride. ride it at universal studios hollywood.
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>>stanley: as she rolled down her window at the gathering her thoughts. >> i have to get to work. there are bicycles of the middle of the road. i do not like the videotaping the. >>stanley: imagine that, there are bikes in the bike lane. go figure. let's talk to some other drivers. why are you on this street? >> i did not know. >>stanley: he did not see the signs there are 10
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science. >>stanley: the city of santos still wants to make parts of market street transit and light planes. parts of market street have been that way for years. it is hard to keep drivers alcohol >> i cannot move. is that cited >>stanley: limos do not qualify as taxis. these should not be on with it either. this is one picking up a passenger likely taxied. if you are not a taxi, what are you on the streets? >>stanley: no comment. i wonder why. many of the drivers i spoke with told me their des brought them here except this lady. >> i am not from here. i am from palo alto. >>stanley: it is like another country, i understand. >> it is. i love you so. >>stanley: for the record, if you get caught on this street by any law enforcement agency you could end up with a car pool ticket or even in moving violations for ignoring the signs. >>officer: that sign says
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right time only. stanley roberts in san francisco, kron4 is very >>vicki: that is it for us, see you in the morning to.
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